2023 AGM
The AGM will take place on Tuesday 16th May in Pitreavie Golf Club house at 7:30pm. The AGM notification has been emailed out to all members, added to the files section of our members only Facebook page, and has also been added to the club website, here.
Please think about standing to be a trustee. It’s not too onerous and it’s a good way to be involved and help steer the direction of the club. If you’re not sure what’s involved speak to a trustee at training, or drop them a note to learn more. Nominations are requested by midnight today (Monday 8th May) to allow papers to be sent out ahead of the AGM. Current trustees are Alan Murray, Brian Miller, Sue Walker, Neil Anderson, Nicole Jackson Jonathan Millar, Sarah Wellcoat, Kathryn Fairfield, Kerry Hunter, Val Macaulay, Kieran Morgan and Alistair Nelson.
Warm Welcome
Please give a warm welcome to Paul Kelly, Rachel Donald and Steven Maclaren who all joined the club this week and Iona Mackay who has returned to Carnegie Harriers.
Training this week:
Tuesday May 9: 5-7 of approx. 1km loop @5k pace with 90 secs recovery. The session will take place in Pittencrieff Park (aka The Glen). Meet by the Glen Pavilion Café Glen Pavilion and park in the city’s car parks. The session will be led by Kathryn.
Thursday May 11: Monaghetti Fartlek (variation) x 2 sets hard effort on grass:
2 x 90s on 90s off, 4 x 60s on 60s off, 4 x 30s on 30s off, 4 x 15s on 15s off with 5 mins recovery between sets. The session will take place in Grange Park (opposite the King Malcolm Hotel), meet for warm up at Grange Drive Warm up meeting place Plenty of street parking locally. The session will be led by Nicole.
The session leaders will lead a gentle warm up at 18:30, leaving from the session meeting place, followed by a dynamic warm up at 18:45 and the sessions will start at 18:50. If you can’t make the 18:30 warm up, don’t forget to do a good warm up before the dynamic warmup, and do a cool down after the session.
The Return to Running group will also be meeting at The Glen on Thursday. The group is ideal for members wanting to ease back into training or looking for a gentler session.
If training needs to be cancelled for any reason, we will post on Facebook.
Remember, if you have any symptoms of any potentially transmissible illness (not just Covid), please do not attend training.