These rules may be subject to change, as appropriate, to reflect any changes in national coronavirus guidelines.
1. When completing the individual events, members must observe the government and Scottish Athletics guidelines in place at that particular time.
2. The Virtual Grand Prix Challenge will consist of 20 specified challenges comprising a variety of time trials and set routes of varying distances and terrain, with your best 11 scoring events to count.
3. You can run any of the 11 events from the 20 listed, however, we would encourage you to complete at least two 3 mile or at least two 5 mile time trials, to gauge your improvement over time. Members who cannot run the set routes due to government imposed travel restrictions will not be penalised, but should aim to run a route of the same distance that is broadly similar in terms of terrain to the set route (e.g. the Pattiesmuir equivalent should be run along a mixture of roads and farm tracks). Members should make every effort to run the set routes where possible.
4. The time trial routes should start and finish at roughly the same place, i.e. they should not be point to point. If using a looped course, the loop should not be less than approximately 1k long. We would also like runners to follow the advice from Scottish Athletics and try to finish a route within 1km of the start point as a guide.
5. The Virtual GP Challnge is open to all members.
6. Qualifying age will be your age as at the 1st of June 2020.
7. There will be a prize for the top placed woman and man, regardless of age and separate prizes will be awarded in each of the following categories:
Women: Senior (under 40); 40 to 49; 50 to 59; 60 and over.
Men: Senior (under 40); 40 to 49; 50 to 59; 60 to 69; 70 and over.
8. Points will be awarded on the basis on the fastest recorded times in each event, by gender but irrespective of age, as follows: 50 points for 1st place, 49 for 2nd, 48 for 3rd etc. with all runners scoring at least 1 point for completing an event.
9. The winners will be the members with the highest number of points overall, in each age and gender category.
10. WAVA based scores help to balance out performances amongst runners taking into account their respective ages. Points will also be awarded for WAVA scores ranked from highest to lowest.
11. Prizes will be awarded to the best women and men based on their WAVA scores.
12. There will also be some awards made at the discretion of the committee.
13. Members can only receive one award in each category.
14. An award will be made to every member who takes part in the minimum number of 11 counting events in the Virtual Grand Prix Challenge series.