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Club Training

Thursdays @ 18:30

May 2018 Training

Session Aims

The month of May sees a busy schedule of road and hill racing. The training aim is therefore to further consolidate on the previous months’ sessions with a mixture of different paces and distances.

We will also continue to offer the option of evening off-road runs and Sunday social runs.

Tuesday Sessions

We’ll stay at the Glen on Tuesdays for more of the new mixed pace and hill sessions – plus a ‘normal’ straight VO2m session. The exception will be Tuesday 8th where a Paarlauf session is proposed (no early session) prior to the AGM.

The sessions will start at 6.05 pm or 6.50 pm prompt at the Peacock Café corner of the Glen Pavilion. If planning to run up from Pitreavie Sport and Soccer Centre, it’s approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) so aim to leave from there at either 5.45pm or 6.30 pm for an easy run up. If going direct to the session start point, allow time to warm up before the session start times.

Thursday Sessions

On Thursdays we will generally use Duloch Park for some shorter, faster repetitions and a pyramid session, but also a new hill steps session which Kevin Davie has had in mind for a while.

For the sessions at Duloch Park, we start at the entrance to the Park, nearest to the shops, on Greenshank Drive. This is approximately 1.75 miles (2.8 km) from Pitreavie Sport & Soccer Centre (PSSC). Leave from Pitreavie at 6:30pm for an easy run up or meet at the starting point at 6:50pm already warmed up.

For the hill/steps session on Thursday, meet at the playing field car park on Robertson Road, near Queen Margaret Hospital at 6.30 pm. (I think the car park is sign posted as overflow car parking for the railway station). The session will comprise between 7 and 10 reps of approximately 250 metres up a hill with elongated steps, with recoveries back down the hill to the starting point. As this is a new venue and session, there will be a recce of the route first, doubling up as your warm-up.

As we know some of you do not like running on hard surfaces, as an alternative on Thursdays, we will also be continuing our off-road sessions. These will be suitable for all levels of runner and will comprise either a steady paced run with regular stops to re-group, or circuits for a pre-determined length of time or number of repetitions. We will monitor the level of interest to decide if, and how frequently, to continue these sessions throughout the summer months. The proposed sessions for May are still to be finalised but, in the meantime, here’s an alternative to the hill step session:

Thursday 3rd May – Townhill Woods

As for the main session, meet at the car park on Robertson Road at 6.30 pm. The run will take in the main paths around Townhill Woods for anyone not familiar with this area. Mainly on well-made woodland paths, suitable for road shoes, although there can be the odd muddy patch, particularly after heavy rain.

Training Sub-Group

A reminder that there’s the training sub-group consisting of the following individuals:

  • Barry Davie
  • Kevin Davie
  • Lesley Halstead
  • Paul Kieran
  • Val Macaulay
  • Jonathan Millar

If you have questions or feedback regarding any of the sessions, please contact Paul Kieran or Val Macaulay, or speak with one of the sub-group or general committee who will pass them on.