Dunblane 12k Race Report by Gordon Barrie
With most runners heading to Edinburgh for the EMF a trio of Harriers (Triarriers?) shunned the crowds, early starts and pricey entrance fees and headed to Dunblane for their annual 12k road race.
The 1pm start time meant no early Sunday morning rises but I must admit lunchtime runs always mess with my pre-record fuelling. As I result I lined up at the start line more inclined to have lunch than run 12k. This was not made any easier by the plethora of food smells wafting about from the many eating establishments cruelly positioned near the start.
The route starts and finishes on Dunblane High Street giving you the opportunity to run past Andy Murray’s golden post box. The terrain is pavement, road and farm roads, nae trails!! The first 7 to 8k is where most of the uphills are, nothing hugely steep but enough of them to make you feel like you are constantly getting higher and higher (and not in a good way). Thankfully there are a number of welcome downhills over the last 4k.
The route is well marshalled, with lots of friendly encouragement. Also in Dunblane itself there were regular groups of people cheering you on. One water station at 7.5k was sufficient, if that wasn’t enough you could just tilt your head back and take advantage of the 2 very heavy showers that occurred during the race.
First Harrier home was Brian Miller with a very impressive chip time of 54:01 (54:09 gun). Next up was Allan Brannigan in 57:25 (57:32). Ruining it for everyone by not coming in under the hour was myself in 61:00 (61:07), less walking more running Mr Barrie!!
All finisher received a medal and there was the customary bottle of water and also fruit.
In summary a really well run race along a challenging and scenic route, with friendly marshals.