Loch Lomond 10k Race Report by Graeme Wilson
The Loch Lomond 10k starts and finishes in Moss O’ Balloch Park, goes through Balloch Castle Country Park and uses cycle paths beside the River Leven. There are some fine views of Loch Lomond if you look up at the right time and is not recommended for gephyrophobes, as you cross 4 bridges during the race.
The race start heads straight into some narrow and rough trails in Balloch Castle Country Park. Not anything that would require a trail shoe, but I wasn’t expecting it. The first mile is on stony trail path or grass with a couple of short sharp climbs, after that it’s tarmac all the way. Leaving the Country Park you cross the Leven for the first time and run beside the river until about 4.5 k then cross the river again, From here you’re on the pavement until about 6k, cross the Leven again, then back onto the cycle path until about 8.5k, cross the river for the final time before coming back into the park with a short climb in the last kilometre before dripping down sharply to the finish.
From the finish you are marshalled through a marquee for the usual shirt, water and goody bag pick up, then out onto the grass of the park to collapse, or cool down , whatever.
The goody bag contained some seaweed snacks which may have been environmentally friendly but tasted like shit so went in the bin.
The race is well organised and marshalled and has 850 finishers. The course isn’t the fastest because of the trail sections , a few climbs and sharp turns on and off the bridges where you have to slow down. There is plenty of parking at the Loch Lomond Shoes shopping centre, about a half- mile away